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U3223U32DOJReportFindingU32Use of Force10/17/2022 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St3540CompleteN/A"...shot a man carrying a knife with a 40mm round…""...disparó a un hombre que portaba un cuchillo con un proyectil de 40 mm..."Investigated - Within Policy<div class="ExternalClass25180C582D8845F79E2A6D483DE05730"><p>Response to a trespassing call involving a man with a knife. Police contacted the man and used a less-lethal munition during his apprehension.  </p></div><div class="ExternalClass5B47DA79400F4A3993E8EE9990DB1DEB"><p>Respuesta a una llamada de allanamiento en el que estuvo implicado un hombre con un cuchillo. La policía se comunicó con el hombre y utilizó munición menos letal durante su detención.  </p></div>



U32 Pointed Gun At Person Report Pointed Gun At Person Report/Documents/U32_Pointed_Gun_At_Person_Report.pdf10/17/2022 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Administrative Documents
U32 Use Of Force Report Use Of Force Report/Documents/U32_Use_Of_Force_Report.pdf10/17/2022 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Administrative Documents
U32 Call For Service Call For Service/Documents/U32_Call_For_Service.pdf10/17/2022 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Incident Documents
U32 Incident Report Incident Report/Documents/U32_Incident_Report.pdf10/17/2022 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Incident Documents
U32 Incident Report Supplement 1 Incident Report Supplement 1/Documents/U32_Incident_Report_Supplement_1.pdf10/17/2022 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Incident Documents
U32 BWC 1 BWC 1 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Video
U32 BWC 2 BWC 2 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Video
U32 BWC 3 BWC 3 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St35Video