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U2498U24DOJReportFindingU24Use of Force7/24/2020 7:00:00 AM19th Av & Alta Vista Rd30/3134CompleteN/A"PhxPD officers arrested a man at a group home…""Los agentes de PhxPD arrestaron a un hombre en un hogar comunitario..."Not Investigated<div class="ExternalClassB621A92DBE2644E0955A4D60EFE8D2FB"><p>Response to a call regarding a physical altercation at a group home. After failing to comply with officer commands, an involved subject was placed in leg restraints. The suspect vomited while restrained. Emergency medical services were provided at the scene.​</p></div><div class="ExternalClass7218ACADB4D7418E937BBF56CAA04179"><p>Respuesta a una llamada sobre un altercado físico en un hogar de acogida. Al no obedecer las órdenes del oficial de policía, se inmovilizó a un sujeto implicado. El sospechoso vomitó mientras estaba inmovilizado. Se brindaron servicios médicos de emergencia en el lugar de los hechos.​</p></div>



U24 Call For Service Call For Service/Documents/U24_Call_For_Service.pdf7/24/2020 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U24 Incident Report Incident Report/Documents/U24_Incident_Report.pdf7/24/2020 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U24 Incident Report Supplement 1 Incident Report Supplement 1/Documents/U24_Incident_Report_Supplement_1.pdf7/24/2020 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U24 BWC 1 BWC 1
U24 BWC 2 BWC 2