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U1710U17DOJReportFindingU17Use of Force2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr2629CompleteN/A"...officers shot dozens of Pepperballs at a man…" "...los oficiales dispararon docenas de bolas de pimienta a un hombre..."Investigated - Within Policy<div class="ExternalClassFB05D6B974F040CAA70E711A1916BEF0"><p>After call regarding a stolen vehicle less-lethal munitions deployed against a man suspected of driving a stolen vehicle.  ​</p></div><div class="ExternalClassC7E83B49B4C14C42AAF016491EE39D11"><p>Tras una llamada sobre un vehículo robado, se utilizaron municiones menos letales contra un hombre sospechoso de conducir un vehículo robado.  ​</p></div>



U17 Use of Force Report Use of Force Report/Documents/U17_Use_Of_Force_Report.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Administrative Documents
U17 Maricopa County Superior Court Plea Agreement Maricopa County Superior Court Plea Agreement/Documents/U17_Maricopa_County_Superior_Court_Plea_Agreement.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AMCourt Documents
U17 Images Images/Documents/U17_Images.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Images
U17 Incident Report Incident Report/Documents/U17_Incident_Report.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Incident Documents
U17 Incident Report Supplement 1 Incident Report Supplement 1/Documents/U17_Incident_Report_Supplement_1.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Incident Documents
U17 Incident Report Supplement 2 Incident Report Supplement 2/Documents/U17_Incident_Report_Supplement_2.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Incident Documents
U17 Incident Report Supplement 3 Incident Report Supplement 3/Documents/U17_Incident_Report_Supplement_3.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Incident Documents
U17 Laboratory Report Laboratory Report/Documents/U17_Laboratory_Report.pdf2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Incident Documents
U17 BWC 1 BWC 1 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Video
U17 BWC 2 BWC 2 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Video
U17 BWC 3 BWC 3 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr26Video