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U1427U14DOJReportFindingU14Use of Force3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av2225U14 and U19 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"One officer applied a chokehold…""Una oficial aplicó un estrangulador ..."Investigated - Within Policy<div class="ExternalClass6D675A98735A4F259D875C7FDFF70E1B"><p>Response to a domestic violence call. While officers were attempting arrest of a woman, a man approached the officer and another officer used force to restrain the man.​</p></div><div class="ExternalClass568F0A124B76409FB2922FE39E72DE28"><p>Respuesta a una llamada por violencia doméstica. Mientras los oficiales intentaban arrestar a una mujer, un hombre se acercó a uno de ellos y otro oficial hizo uso de la fuerza para inmovilizar a dicho hombre.​</p></div>



U14 PSB Administrative Inquiry Report PSB Administrative Inquiry Report/Documents/U14_PSB_Administrative_Inquiry_Report.pdf3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22Administrative DocumentsU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 Use Of Force Report Use Of Force Report/Documents/U14_Use_Of_Force_Report.pdf3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22Administrative DocumentsU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 Call For Service Call For Service/Documents/U14_Call_For_Service.pdf3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22Incident DocumentsU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 Incident Report Incident Report/Documents/U14_Incident_Report.pdf3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22Incident DocumentsU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 Incident Report Supplement 1 Incident Report Supplement 1/Documents/U14_Incident_Report_Supplement_1.pdf3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22Incident DocumentsU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 Incident Report Supplement 2 Incident Report Supplement 2/Documents/U14_Incident_Report_Supplement_2.pdf3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22Incident DocumentsU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 BWC 1 BWC 1 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22VideoU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 BWC 2 BWC 2 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22VideoU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident
U14 BWC 3 BWC 3 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av22VideoU14 and U19 of the DOJ report respectively, have been identified as the same incident