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U1097U10DOJReportFindingU10Use of Force4/16/2020 7:00:00 AM43rd Av & McDowell Rd2123/24CompleteN/A"In one incident, officers knelt…""En un incidente, las oficiales se arrodillaron ..."Investigated - Within Policy<div class="ExternalClassD1FD4BAFBF0B43638BD61E2121140F78"><p>​Response to a domestic violence call. The suspect was reported to have threatened a woman and then stabbed himself. The suspect was found in a vehicle and force was used in the arrest, including use of a Taser™.​</p></div><div class="ExternalClass9EFAF31FCAB24010B7F590B32807F1E4"><p>​Respuesta a una llamada por violencia doméstica. Se informó que el sospechoso había amenazado a una mujer y que, luego, se apuñaló a sí mismo. El sospechoso fue encontrado en un vehículo y se hizo uso de la fuerza en el arresto, lo que incluye el empleo de una Taser™.​</p></div>



U10 Use Of Force Report Use Of Force Report/Documents/U10_Use_Of_Force_Report.pdf4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMAdministrative Documents
U10 Image 1 Image 1/Documents/U10_Image_1.jpg4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMImages
U10 Image 2 Image 2/Documents/U10_Image_2.jpg4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMImages
U10 Image 3 Image 3/Documents/U10_Image_3.jpg4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMImages
U10 Image 4 Image 4/Documents/U10_Image_4.jpg4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMImages
U10 Image 5 Image 5/Documents/U10_Image_5.jpg4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMImages
U10 Call For Service Call For Service/Documents/U10_Call_For_Service.pdf4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U10 Incident Report Incident Report/Documents/U10_Incident_Report.pdf4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U10 Incident Report Supplements 2 and 3 Incident Report Supplements 2 and 3/Documents/U10_Incident_Report_Supplements_2_and_3.pdf4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U10 Maricopa County Attorney's Office Final Disposition Notification Maricopa County Attorney's Office Final Disposition Notification/Documents/U10_Maricopa_County_Attorneys_Office_Final_Disposition_Notification.pdf4/6/2020 7:00:00 AMOther Documents
U10 BWC 1 BWC 1
U10 BWC 2 BWC 2
U10 BWC 3 BWC 3