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U0692U06DOJReportFindingU06Use of Force9/24/2022 7:00:00 AM6600 North 19th Avenue1820An involved employee was terminated regarding this incident; some incident materials are not available at this time due to the open investigation and a pending Civil Service Board hearing.CompleteOpen"...officers noticed a man throwing rocks…""...los oficiales notaron a un hombre arrojando piedras..."Investigated - Not Within Policy<div class="ExternalClass1B6E636457E3465387702AAACE7C6976"><p>Officer involved shooting (fatal) of a person who threw rocks at officers' vehicles as they drove past; when officers investigated the incident, the suspect continued to throw rocks and a shooting occurred. Investigation is completed and primary officer was terminated, appeal pending. Another officer's discipline is pending.​</p></div><div class="ExternalClass6710C04482934AD59BAFACA59BFF5053"><p>Tiroteo (mortal) en el que estuvieron involucrados oficiales de policía, donde una persona aventaba piedras a los vehículos de policía cuando pasaban; cuando los policías investigaron el incidente, el sospechoso siguió aventando piedras y se produjo un tiroteo. Se completó la investigación y el oficial principal fue despedido (apelación pendiente). Está pendiente la acción disciplinaria de otro oficial.​</p></div>



U06 Use Of Force Report Use Of Force Report/Documents/U06_Use_Of_Force_Report.pdf9/24/2022 7:00:00 AMAdministrative Documents
U06 Incident Report Incident Report/Documents/U06_Incident_Report.pdf9/24/2022 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U06 Incident Report Supplement 31 Incident Report Supplement 31/Documents/U06_Incident_Report_Supplement_31.pdf9/24/2022 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U06 Maricopa County Attorney's Office Memorandum Maricopa County Attorney's Office Memorandum/Documents/U06_Maricopa_County_Attorneys_Office_Memorandum.pdf9/24/2022 7:00:00 AMOther Documents
U06 Critical Incident Briefing Critical Incident Briefing