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U0186U01DOJReportFindingU01Use of Force7/19/2022 7:00:00 AM111th Ave & Camelback Rd1617CompleteN/A" officer shot and killed a suicidal man…""...un oficial disparó y mató a un hombre suicida..."Investigated - Within Policy, but Training or Performance Issue Identified<div class="ExternalClass2271B7F965BA42F58156B3097312FD35"><p>Officer Involved Shooting (fatal) at behavioral health group home. Subject pulled a knife while on the stairs in the home. Officers used a Taser™ before shooting suspect. One officer required to complete additional training. ​</p></div><div class="ExternalClass12DD7FD25AAB4C08A5A7387C16B01FD8"><p>Tiroteo (mortal) en una residencia de salud del comportamiento en el que estuvieron involucrados oficiales de policía. El sujeto estaba en las escaleras de la casa y sacó un cuchillo. Los oficiales de policía utilizaron una Taser™ antes de dispararle al sospechoso. Uno de los policías tuvo que tomar capacitación adicional. ​</p></div>



U01 Critical Incident Review Board Results Critical Incident Review Board Results/Documents/U01_Critical_Incident_Review_Board_Results.pdf7/19/2022 7:00:00 AMAdministrative Documents
U01 PSB Internal Investigation Report PSB Internal Investigation Report/Documents/U01_PSB_Internal_Investigation_Report.pdf7/19/2022 7:00:00 AMAdministrative Documents
U01 Training Certificate Training Certificate/Documents/U01_Training_Certificate.pdf7/19/2022 7:00:00 AMAdministrative Documents
U01 Training Lesson Plan Training Lesson Plan/Documents/U01_Training_Lesson_Plan.pdf7/19/2022 7:00:00 AMAdministrative Documents
U01 Use Of Force Report Use Of Force Report/Documents/U01_Use_Of_Force_Report.pdf7/19/2022 7:00:00 AMAdministrative Documents
U01 Incident Report Incident Report/Documents/U01_Incident_Report.pdf7/19/2022 7:00:00 AMIncident Documents
U01 Maricopa County Attorney's Office Memorandum Maricopa County Attorney's Office Memorandum/Documents/U01_Maricopa_County_Attorneys_Office_Memorandum.pdf7/19/2022 7:00:00 AMOther Documents
U01 BWC 1 BWC 1
U01 Critical Incident Briefing Critical Incident Briefing