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U0186U01DOJReportFindingU01Use of Force7/19/2022 7:00:00 AM111th Ave & Camelback Rd1617CompleteN/A" officer shot and killed a suicidal man…""...un oficial disparó y mató a un hombre suicida..."Investigated - Within Policy, but Training or Performance Issue Identified100
U0285U02DOJReportFindingU02Use of Force11/11/2019 7:00:00 AM4300 West Camelback Road1618CompleteN/A" officer shot a man holding a knife…""...un oficial le disparó a un hombre que sostenía un cuchillo..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U0387U03DOJReportFindingU03Use of Force12/3/2022 7:00:00 AM29th Av & Thomas Rd1718CompleteN/A"...a PhxPD officer unnecessarily fired a second shot…""...un oficial de PhxPD disparó innecesariamente un segundo tiro..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U04119U04DOJReportFindingU04Use of Force7/4/2020 7:00:00 AM56th Ave & Glenrosa Ave1719CompleteN/A"...officers responded to a call about a man with a knife…""...los oficiales respondieron a una llamada sobre un hombre con un cuchillo..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U0591U05DOJReportFindingU05Use of Force9/13/2020 7:00:00 AM9700 N 29th Ave1820CompleteN/A"In one incident, officers shot a woman…""En un incidente, los agentes dispararon a una mujer..."Investigated - Not Within Policy100
U0692U06DOJReportFindingU06Use of Force9/24/2022 7:00:00 AM6600 North 19th Avenue1820An involved employee was terminated regarding this incident; some incident materials are not available at this time due to the open investigation and a pending Civil Service Board hearing.CompleteOpen"...officers noticed a man throwing rocks…""...los oficiales notaron a un hombre arrojando piedras..."Investigated - Not Within Policy100
U0790U07DOJReportFindingU07Use of Force12/28/2020 7:00:00 AM27th Ave and Indian School1921CompleteN/A"In one incident, officers shot a woman…""En un incidente, los agentes dispararon a una mujer..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U08139U08DOJReportFindingU08Use of Force1/11/2019 7:00:00 AM91st Av & Camelback Rd1921/22CompleteN/A"In one incident, after shooting a man…""En un incidente, después de dispararle a un hombre..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U0988U09DOJReportFindingU09Use of Force2/6/2021 7:00:00 AM43rd Av & Cactus Rd2022CompleteN/A"Give him a couple pops""Dale un par de pops"Investigated - Within Policy100
U1097U10DOJReportFindingU10Use of Force4/16/2020 7:00:00 AM43rd Av & McDowell Rd2123/24CompleteN/A"In one incident, officers knelt…""En un incidente, las oficiales se arrodillaron ..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U1171U11DOJReportFindingU11Use of Force10/2/2019 7:00:00 AM20th Av & Townley Av2124CompleteN/A"In one instance, PhxPD officers pressed…""En un caso, las oficiales de PhxPD presionaron ..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U128U12DOJReportFindingU12Use of Force2/29/2020 7:00:00 AM40th Av & Fairmount Av2224CompleteN/A"When a teenager objected to an officer…""Cuando una adolescente se opuso a un oficial ..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U1326U13DOJReportFindingU13Use of Force3/24/2022 7:00:00 AM51st Av & Baseline Rd2224U13 and P26 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"...when a woman asked if an ambulance…""...cuando una mujer preguntó si una ambulancia..."Not Investigated100
U1427U14DOJReportFindingU14Use of Force3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av2225U14 and U19 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"One officer applied a chokehold…""Una oficial aplicó un estrangulador ..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U1572U15DOJReportFindingU15Use of Force8/28/2021 7:00:00 AM17th Av & Bell Rd2326CompleteN/A"In 2021, an officer squeezed a man’s neck…""En 2021, un oficial apretó el cuello de un hombre..."Investigated - Within Policy, but Training or Performance Issue Identified100
U169U16DOJReportFindingU16Use of Force11/4/2021 7:00:00 AM29th Dr & Thomas Rd26 & 3729 & 42CompleteN/A"...a group of officers shot 40mm foam rounds…""...un grupo de agentes disparó balas de espuma de 40 mm..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U1710U17DOJReportFindingU17Use of Force2/11/2022 7:00:00 AM107th Av & Oakmont Dr2629CompleteN/A"...officers shot dozens of Pepperballs at a man…" "...los oficiales dispararon docenas de bolas de pimienta a un hombre..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U1814U18DOJReportFindingU18Use of Force3/8/2021 7:00:00 AMBlack Canyon Ac & Bell Rd2730/31CompleteN/A" officer grabbed a man by his hair…""...un oficial agarró a un hombre por el pelo..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U1957U19DOJReportFindingU19Use of Force3/29/2020 7:00:00 AM30th St & Clarendon Av2731U14 and U19 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"...officers arrived at an apartment complex…""...los oficiales llegaron a un complejo de apartamentos..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2016U20DOJReportFindingU20Use of Force6/12/2021 7:00:00 AM27th Av & Thomas Rd2831CompleteN/A"...officers grabbed a man and slammed him…""...los agentes agarraron a un hombre y lo golpearon..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2117U21DOJReportFindingU21Use of Force8/28/2019 7:00:00 AM32nd St & Oak St2831/32CompleteN/A"In one example, two officers used…""En un ejemplo, dos agentes utilizaron..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2218U22DOJReportFindingU22Use of Force12/2/2020 7:00:00 AM32nd St & Thomas Rd2832CompleteN/A" officer tackled a man without warning…""...un oficial abordó a un hombre sin previo aviso..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2374U23DOJReportFindingU23Use of Force3/28/2022 7:00:00 AM27th Av & Lamar Rd3033/34CompleteN/A" intoxicated man lost consciousness…""...un hombre ebrio perdió el conocimiento..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2498U24DOJReportFindingU24Use of Force7/24/2020 7:00:00 AM19th Av & Alta Vista Rd30/3134CompleteN/A"PhxPD officers arrested a man at a group home…""Los agentes de PhxPD arrestaron a un hombre en un hogar comunitario..."Not Investigated100
U2599U25DOJReportFindingU25Use of Force10/21/2021 7:00:00 AM23rd Av & Glenrosa Av31/3235/36CompleteN/A"...officers fired a Taser to subdue a suicidal man…""...los agentes dispararon una Taser para someter a un hombre suicida..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2619U26DOJReportFindingU26Use of Force5/2/2020 7:00:00 AM35th Av & Fillmore St3236CompleteN/A" officer fired two Taser probes…""...un oficial disparó dos sondas Taser..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2720U27DOJReportFindingU27Use of Force7/15/2021 7:00:00 AM67th Av & Hazelwood St3236CompleteN/A"...a PhxPD sergeant sprayed a man…""...un sargento de PhxPD roció a un hombre..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U2875U28DOJReportFindingU28Use of Force8/10/2021 7:00:00 AM11th Av & Southern Av3337CompleteN/A"For example, a PhxPD dog bit the arm…""Por ejemplo, un perro de PhxPD le mordió el brazo..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U29113U29DOJReportFindingU29Use of Force3/27/2020 7:00:00 AM28th Av & Indian School Rd33/3437/38CompleteN/A"...PhxPD officers allowed a police dog…""... Las oficiales de PhxPD permitieron un perro policía ..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U30 21U30 DOJReportFindingU30 Use of Force9/4/2021 7:00:00 AM43rd Av & Indian School Rd3438/39CompleteN/A"...PhxPD officers painfully restrained a man…""...Los oficiales de PhxPD inmovilizaron dolorosamente a un hombre..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U31125U31DOJReportFindingU31Use of Force3/14/2020 7:00:00 AM1st St & Willetta St34/3539CompleteN/A"At times, officers repeatedly use force…""A veces, las oficiales usan repetidamente la fuerza ..."Investigated - Not Within Policy100
U3223U32DOJReportFindingU32Use of Force10/17/2022 7:00:00 AM4th Av & Madison St3540CompleteN/A"...shot a man carrying a knife with a 40mm round…""...disparó a un hombre que portaba un cuchillo con un proyectil de 40 mm..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U3322U33DOJReportFindingU33Use of Force11/9/2021 7:00:00 AM16th St & Virginia Av3641CompleteN/A"...a PhxPD officer shot a 40mm impact round…""...un oficial de PhxPD disparó una bala de impacto de 40 mm..."Investigated - Within Policy100
U3432U34DOJReportFindingU34Use of Force10/25/2021 7:00:00 AM44th St & Oak St37 & 9642 & 111/112CompleteN/A"...PhxPD officers fired Pepperballs at a man…""...Los oficiales de PhxPD dispararon Pepperballs a un hombre..."Not Investigated100
U3533U35DOJReportFindingU35Use of Force9/10/2019 7:00:00 AM28th Dr & Cactus Rd37/3843CompleteN/A"Two officers responded to a call from a hotel…""Dos agentes respondieron a una llamada de un hotel..."Not Investigated100
U3634U36DOJReportFindingU36Use of Force3/15/2021 7:00:00 AM31st Av & Palm Ln3843CompleteN/A" officer held a teenager by the neck…""... una oficial sostuvo a una adolescente por el cuello ..."Not Investigated100
H0113H01DOJReportFindingH01Homelessness4349The City of Phoenix is unable to fully identify this incident without additional informationPendingN/A" with PhxPD 97 times between 2016 and 2022…""...contacto con PhxPD 97 veces entre 2016 y 2022..."N/A200
H0215H02DOJReportFindingH02Homelessness4550/51The City of Phoenix is unable to fully identify this incident without additional informationPendingN/A"...stopped his squad car when he saw a man…""...detuvo su patrulla cuando vio a un hombre..."N/A200
H0335H03DOJReportFindingH03Homelessness5/6/2023 7:00:00 AM44th St & McDowell Rd4551CompleteN/A"...detained two people for sitting in the shade…""...detuvieron a dos personas por sentarse a la sombra..."Not Investigated200
H0436H04DOJReportFindingH04Homelessness3/8/2023 7:00:00 AM11th Av & Ironwood Dr4652CompleteN/A"...officers woke a group of people and told them…""...los oficiales despertaron a un grupo de personas y les dijeron..."Not Investigated200
H0537H05DOJReportFindingH05Homelessness12/29/2020 7:00:00 AM1st St & Moreland St4652CompleteN/A"...officers woke a 55-year-old man…""...los agentes despertaron a un hombre de 55 años..."Not Investigated200
H0638H06DOJReportFindingH06Homelessness2/10/2021 7:00:00 AM7th Av & Mission Ln4753CompleteN/A" 69-year-old man has accumulated multiple citations…""...un hombre de 69 años ha acumulado múltiples citaciones..."Not Investigated200
H0776H07DOJReportFindingH07Homelessness2/15/2020 7:00:00 AM32nd St & Wood St4753/54CompleteN/A"PhxPD officers tried to detain a man for trespassing…""Los agentes de PhxPD intentaron detener a un hombre por invasión de propiedad privada..."Investigated - Not Within Policy200
H0842H08DOJReportFindingH08Homelessness2/22/2023 7:00:00 AM37th Av & Glendale Av4854H08 and H21 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"One officer told a group of unhoused people…""Un oficial le dijo a un grupo de personas sin hogar..."Not Investigated200
H0944H09DOJReportFindingH09Homelessness5/5/2021 7:00:00 AM25th Av & Peoria Av4854H09 and H12 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"We heard an officer on the bike squad…""Escuchamos a un oficial del escuadrón ciclista..."Not Investigated200
H1045H10DOJReportFindingH10Homelessness4/30/2021 7:00:00 AM12th St & Mountain View Rd4854CompleteN/A"In another incident, a different bike squad officer…""En otro incidente, un oficial de escuadrón de ciclistas diferente..."Not Investigated200
H1143H11DOJReportFindingH11Homelessness3/28/2023 7:00:00 AM25th Pl & McDowell Rd4854CompleteN/A" officer warned a woman that she needed…""...un oficial advirtió a una mujer que necesitaba..."Not Investigated200
H1246H12DOJReportFindingH12Homelessness5/5/2021 7:00:00 AM25th Av & Peoria Av4854/55H09 and H12 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"In one early morning incident, officers issued…""En un incidente temprano en la mañana, los oficiales emitieron..."Not Investigated200
H1383H13DOJReportFindingH13Homelessness3/9/2021 7:00:00 AM10th Av & Hatcher Rd48/4955CompleteN/A"...officers roused a woman sleeping in the dirt…""...los agentes despertaron a una mujer que dormía en el suelo..."Not Investigated200
H1447H14DOJReportFindingH14Homelessness2/1/2021 7:00:00 AM12th Av & Madison St5057H14 and H16 have been identified as the same incidentCompleteN/A"Starting at 5:00 a.m., PhxPD officers would drive…""A partir de las 5:00 a. m., los agentes de PhxPD conducían..."Not Investigated200